About Apex Leader Growth & Anthony Billoni, Owner
I am honored to serve organizations and executives, at any stage of growth, to Get Better Faster. I am a certified expert level coach through Accelerating Coaching Excellence, a faculty member of the Creative Problem Solving Institute and hold a Master’s Degree in Creativity and Change Leadership from Buffalo State College. With more than 30 years of experience, in deliberate creativity, I am a certified as an expert level facilitator guiding organizations in solving challenges while raising team's level of imagination for greater innovative outcomes.
Working with artists, creatives, and managers I have managed to learn how to help certain core personalities: the Outlier, the Free-Thinker, the Misfit, the Radical. Read testimonials here...
Firms today are consciously hiring diverse teams, which sounds great in theory. Yet, the workplace fit is not always terrific. I have coached these high value team-members and rather than making the square peg fit the round hole my clients find a successful fit no matter their shape. To sum it up, my clients get better faster!
Client engagements include leadership coaching, diagnosing and solving thorny challenges and strategic design into action plans with dozens of executives in all fields: Amherst Chamber of Commerce, NYS Senator Patrick Gallivan, University at Buffalo School of Management, M&T Bank, Curbell Medical, Creative Education Foundation, Lawley Insurance, Mount Irenaeus at St. Bonaventure University, Assembly House 150, and WNY Library Resources Council.
Elsewhere, I share life in Buffalo, New York with wife Katie, two adult children, and a black cat named Nyx. I am an avid cyclist who has ridden 500 miles across New York State in 7 days to raise funds for cancer research.
It could be that I am the leadership coach to get you to be better faster.
If you want to see yourself as a better leader tomorrow, let's talk today.
What people are saying...Read more here...
Vice President of Equipment & Vendor Relations
​"Anthony takes time to understand who you are and what goals you have. He guides you as you develop skills to manage and lead better than you ever have. If you are interested in a career coach that cares about you, Anthony is a great choice."
Nonprofit leader and continuous learner
"I would highly recommend Anthony as a coach to anyone who is looking to break out of a rut, become more impactful, introduce more creativity into your life, or even to just to create disciplines around growth and development.
I had the pleasure of being Anthony's mentee through UB's Leadership Accelerator Program. He was an invaluable voice speaking into my next steps in leadership- he listened, asked nuanced and important questions, and gave feedback on both specific and general leadership situations.
Several of his recommendations have now become daily and weekly practices for me as I work to lead a team as well as formulate a strategic direction for my organization. His approach to intertwining creativity and leadership is extremely useful and has already proven itself several times, both in my work and as a parent.
As a side note- typically, the LAP lasts 3 months, but due to COVID disruptions, the program spanned 8 months in 2020. Though lectures and classes weren't always occurring, Anthony was diligent in reaching out to offer his ear and services in the meantime, even when he did not have to. I am so appreciate of his commitment and sage advice and observations."
Associate Director, Agreement Negotiation
"'Powerfully impactful' is the way I would describe the time I've spent working with Tony. We have been engaged in a coaching relationship for 6+ months and I have experienced significant positive changes. These changes are moving me to be a more effective leader and individual (at work and in my personal life). Tony coaches through a balance of evidence-based assessments, creative exploration of problems (leading to self-awareness), guided lessons, and effective (and well timed) candor (that has spurred me to action). He brings humor and levity to our conversations always leaving me with nuggets of wisdom to chew on. I've grown in confidence, focus, and self-awareness with his guidance and encouragement. I unhesitatingly recommend Tony as a leadership coach for anyone looking to grow and more fully realize their own potential."