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Crystal Salt

Your best 2025: Accept No Excuses!

2025 will soon be upon us. In December, do you consider making resolutions?  If you have even thought of doing it near your phone, you may begin seeing in your feed links to answer: Why we don’t keep them.  How to keep them.  Why they don’t work.  The one resolution that works.

Part of the confusion is that “Resolution" is not the best word. “Resolve” is better. After a bit of research I found the difference to be: Resolve – unshakable commitment. Resolution – a decision to commit. From these definitions one can see resolution doesn’t pack enough commitment.

Because they aren't strong enough, New Year’s resolutions usually end up in that desk drawer we don’t get to all that often; or we find a shiny new app, that we fill in with hope and excitement on or around January 1, look at a few times through January 15 and ignore around February 1 declaring, “There is always next year.” 

The unnoticed challenge is that underneath each headline in your resolution list is the essential need to dig in to discover and then list all necessary steps to success.

In my own experience, I found even after bringing detail to my resolutions, and translating the steps into monthly and then weekly tasks, the stumbling block was that I did not have an easy way to see these tasks on a daily basis. I wrote them, set them aside and went back to minding the appointments in my daily calendar. Even when the weekly goals were just a page or 2 away from my daily appointment manager! I wont even go into all the craziness of trying to see my monthly, weekly and daily actions next to each other in apps like ToDoist and Trello.

Seeing your highest aspirations and essential related tasks daily makes them top of mind. It may seem obvious, but so few of us do it! Neuroscience has proven that whatever we regularly show our brain gets the most attention. Seeing your resolutions translated into written monthly and weekly outcomes on a daily basis will either push you to completing the tasks or create enough dissonance to investigate why or what’s stopping you from getting the stuff done you have written down. This is the only focus of this 1-hour session.

I will share and demonstrate a paper and pen method (Yes! Going old school here!) you will work with each month and keep along side your daily appointment manager so you see and, importantly, commit to breaking monthly goals into weekly tasks that you then turn into daily appointments.

If you think spending 1 hour experiencing a method that will lead you to “No Excuses!” focus and accomplishment of what is most meaningful in your life, click below. Space is limited!


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